Happy Blue Monday...
She really knows how to make it all come together beautifully!
Thanks Keren
I am currently working on several pieces and on my list before summer is over is a couple more Vintage Bluebirds!
I better hurry!!!
One of the "Bluebirds" isn't even Blue!
Hmmm....I wonder what color it'll be?
Notice anything different about my blog?
The cutest aqua and pink polka dot background, maybe
the cutest little signature at the end of my posts?
Both are correct! You guessed it, Keren from
came to the rescue again and made my little blog dreams come true:)She really knows how to make it all come together beautifully!
Thanks Keren

well well miss prim -- you are surely looking FABULOUS today! I LOVE the polka dots and adore the signature!!!! it is so amazing what a little lift will do right! now only if i can get keren to do my real face : ) LOL!!!! sorry -- couldn't resist! she sure can make a little touch of magic happen! your blog looks absolutely precious and i can't wait to see the new blue birds and the new does it rhyme with ink bird??? : ) hugs!
Isn't she just ADORABLE...I LOVE her little eylashes...Okay REALLY I LOVE all of her... :) Who can resist a Sweet Bluebird...
That's got to be the bluebird of happiness 'cause she has happy written all over her!
Your bluebird is charming! I've got paperclay added to my big long list of things to play with. There is never enough time in one day lol
I discovered you through sugar pink, I just had to tell you how much I love your little Pink Elle, so adorable! Your work is beautiful!
Anyone that gets one of these birds will not be disappointed! I love mine! :)
Michelle!!!! Got my "Fly,Little Biirdie"....she is just adorable!!! Her tutu is precious!!! Love love love her!!! Can't wait to see your next birdie....whatever color!!! Thanks for your art.....makes me smile. :)
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