I waited till the last possible moment to decorate for Valentine’s Day. (I want to fast forward and decorate for Spring and Easter)!
When I found these cute hydrangea puffs at Michaels I became inspired.
I thought they would look adorable hanging from branches.
Our curly willow tree lost some BIG branches due to the weight of the snow that we got last month. So I grabbed a little saw and cut off what I wanted.
I ordered this cute sampler from here.
I saw it in the February issue of Romantic Homes and loved it. I doubt it will ever get stitched but that’s ok:)
The frame that holds the sampler is a thrifting find. So are the sweet little crystal cups.
In my cloche now are two sweet, white, chippy birds.
The tray that they sit on is a thrifting find as well. You may remember I posted about it here. I use it to house my glitter shakers. I decided it needed some color for my craft room and I painted it a pretty pink. I like how it looks under my cloche.
I painted some X’s and O’s in the same pretty pink and glittered them generously with some tinsel glitter.
It came together nicely!
I couldn’t leave the dining room table out.
So take a right and a little more pink awaits.
My mom gave me this sweet cherub pot when I was 16, I think. I remember she had put some lilacs in it and it smelled sooooo good.
It’s kind of perfect for Valentine’s Day!
Some wood candle holders I bought a long time ago, got a dry coat of ASCP in old white, then a little sanding.
Simple yet sweet.
Btw, the curio in the corner of the dining room had a makeover with none other than Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. I will do a post about that one another day.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

sharing at: http://dearlillieblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/valentines-link-party.html